
by Medonc digital



The digital version of the national guidelines for the drug treatment of malignant tumors edited by Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences A.D. Kaprina is a logical navigator of nosologies with subsections that include molecular genetic and immunohistochemical studies, the necessary list of antitumor markers and specific studies for deciding on the choice of a particular regimen drug treatment.Detailed schemes of neo-, adjuvant, perioperative drug and chemoradiation therapy for the first, second and subsequent lines with indicators of immediate efficacy and long-term results are given. The handbook already includes therapy regimens and drugs approved by the FDA and EMA, but not yet registered in the Russian Federation, with data on the effectiveness and tolerability of treatment - so that Med Onc users are informed about the latest advances and understand the vector of development of the global drug arsenal. Electronic links will be digitized for ease of reference to primary data sources.Electronic calculator catalog: In this section, we have provided tools that ensure maximum accuracy in calculating doses of drugs - calculating body surface area (BSA), body mass index (BMI), calculating creatinine clearance (Cockcroft-Gault) and carboplatin dose (Calvert) and much more;The DRC rubricator is a complete decoding of treatment regimens with the possibility of calculating the marginality of treatment regimens.The system of criteria for assessing the toxicity of CTC AE - for the first time a complete translation into Russian!